Armed; every camera that has motion detection enabled will trigger on motion, and send notifications. Disarmed; no camera will trigger on motion, regardless of individual camera settings. No notifications, because no motion detection.Click to see full answer. Regarding this, what is armed and disarmed on Blink?When you first set up your Blink system, your system will be Disarmed by default, as seen below. When you tap the toggle next to Disarmed, you are arming your Blink system. At the base of your home screen, you will now see Armed . Each camera that successfully arms will display a blue motion icon .Beside above, what does disarm mean on Blink camera? The running man is by camera, and the arm/disarm slider is by sync unit, but if it’s a one camera sync unit, disarming it at the bottom, means that when you look at your main screen, and drop down all of your sync units, at least here now you will see disarmed to alert you. Also Know, what does Armed mean on Blink camera? armed for motion detection How do you arm and disarm a blink camera?When you first set up your Blink system, your system will be Disarmed by default. To arm your system, tap on the toggle in the bottom right corner where it says Disarmed. To see what this should look like, tap or mouse over the toggle on the image below.