The healthiest way to eat salmon, the chicken of the sea

It used to be a luxury saved for special occasions. Today, however, salmon is a mass-market fish that many people eat several times a week. Mild in flavour, full of omega-3, with a low carbon footprint, and on every supermarket shelf, when and how did it become the chicken of the sea?

It used to be a luxury saved for special occasions. Today, however, salmon is a mass-market fish that many people eat several times a week. Mild in flavour, full of omega-3, with a low carbon footprint, and on every supermarket shelf, when – and how – did it become the chicken of the sea?

The answer seems to be in the plummeting of wild fish stocks. Farmed salmon offered a perfect solution, and the industry expanded accordingly (Waitrose’s biggest selling fish lines are all salmon).

Demand is not limited to our shores, either; Scottish salmon is one of the UK’s top three food exports, with sales reaching nearly £705 million in 2022, supporting thousands of Scottish jobs, and the simple salmon has become part of the economic argument for Scottish independence. Scottish sea-loch farms and the growing number of land-based tanks have become a source of tense debate between sustainability and animal welfare campaigners, and the salmon industry.  

With its booming sales, the simple salmon has become part of the economic argument for Scottish independence Credit: Getty

Last month, the charity Animal Equality demanded an emergency summit with Scottish ministers after 16.5 million salmon died prematurely in farm pens in 2022. While campaigners blamed poor welfare standards, claiming overcrowding had allowed lice and disease to spread, industry chiefs have cited unprecedented swarms of parasitic micro-jellyfish thought to be linked to climate change.

Meanwhile, in March 2021, underwater filming as part of an investigation by the campaign group Compassion in World Farming depicted a gory scene: “Quite a lot of fish had damage to their scales, eyes missing, there were sea lice and chunks of their flesh missing,” says Dr Natasha Boyland, the group’s fish policy and research manager.

Supply and demand

It’s an image far removed from the wholesome superfood one that we typically associate with salmon. So, does the industry need to rein in its expansion, and do consumers need to look for more sustainable alternatives?

The issue is one of volume, says Jessica Sinclair Taylor from campaign group Feedback. 

“I think the industry will blame consumer demand, but they’ve created a situation where they need to farm at a very high volume to fulfil that demand. It’s causing many problems, from overdemand for the feed ingredients through to sea lice, disease outbreaks and high mortality.

“The salmon industry has higher tolerances of mortality than for chicken and their standard rate is about 10 to 15 per cent. If that number of cows died before adulthood, it would be a scandal.”

But Dr Daniel Merrifield, associate professor of fish health and nutrition at Plymouth University, worries the data is being misinterpreted: “Salmon is a different organism, with a different life cycle. It produces thousands of eggs, and in the wild, a fraction of those will survive to majority. So you can’t really compare two biologically distinct animals and expect the same outcomes.”

Wild fish capture has stayed static since the 1980s, but demand for fish has increased, which is why farming salmon became the answer. 

Farmed fish are less at risk of exposure to microplastics at sea Credit: Getty

“The result was heavy investment in the industry and a vision to turn salmon into the chicken of the sea,” says Dr David Willer, Henslow research fellow in zoology at the University of Cambridge. “Our wild fish stocks are in a catastrophic situation due to overfishing. Things we really shouldn’t be eating are wild tuna, cod and haddock, because of sustainability and our health.”

As a top predator, tuna suffers from heavy-metal accumulation as mercury goes up in the food chain. Wild fish also tend to be more exposed to microplastics in the sea, so, contrary to popular belief, Dr Willer says you’re better off choosing farmed fish.

The Marine Conservation Society has just updated its Good Fish Guide, a traffic-light system based on reports of fish stocks. This year, north-east Atlantic mackerel moved from the green to amber, meaning it’s not sustainable.

“It’s a fair guide, but it focuses mostly on sustainability of individual species and not around the efficiency of the food chain,” says Dr Willer.

What should be on the menu?

Dr Willer’s research has shown that as consumers we should be buying low-trophic wild fish, such as sardines, herring and anchovies, in preference to larger wild fish and farmed fish. He also encourages eating bivalves, such as mussels, clams and oysters, “which are incredibly sustainable but their popularity is quite low”.

At the moment, too many of those low-trophic fish are feeding the salmon industry (salmon eat other fish as a source of omega-3 fatty acids to thrive), and in March 2022, Dr Willer led a report that found farmed Scottish salmon consumed more wild fish, such as anchovies and sardines, than it produced as salmon.

Increasing human consumption of these small fish species could potentially improve the efficiency, and therefore sustainability, of food production and Dr Willer uses the analogy of a shopping basket to help consumers. 

“In your basket you could have mussels, clams and oysters, which you can eat any amount of,” he says. “You’ve also got low-trophic wild fish – sardines, sprats and herring – which you can eat in reasonably good quantities. In that, you’ve also got farmed salmon as a good option.”

Welfare is also an important issue for many consumers. Many already prioritise high-welfare meat over cheap chicken, for instance. While sea lice pose no threat to human health (affected salmon don’t make it to the shelves), the thought that our food is farmed in such conditions is surely worrying?

Here, pressure groups play an important role, keeping the spotlight on an industry that has exploded in the past 30 years, and pushing for best practice. While consumers can pay for better cuts of salmon, the farming itself is fairly standardised.

In terms of best practice, Dr Willer says Scotland is best, followed by Norway. “Just be a bit more careful with the Chilean farmed salmon,” he says, which isn’t farmed to the same standards. Antibiotic use is also lower than it was in Scotland, but Dr Willer says it could be improved further by polyculturing mussels around salmon farms.

'With salmon farming, everything that goes into the cage – feed, faeces, medication – goes into the sea. It’s like an open sewer', says Sinclair Taylor Credit: Getty

The salmon industry enjoys its cosy image of pristine Scottish waters, says Sinclair Taylor, “but in reality, it’s a hugely powerful global industry”. 

A lot of fish meal comes from West Africa, “where there’s a lot of food insecurity”, she adds.  Fish meal is a commercial product made from whole wild-caught fish, by-catch and fish by-products to feed farm animals.

In terms of pollution, she adds: “With salmon farming, everything that goes into the cage – feed, faeces, medication – goes into the sea. It’s like an open sewer and they’re relying on the fact there’s a lot of sea to absorb it, but the seabed underneath the salmon farms gets very choked up and studies show it is damaging the environment for other species.”

When it comes to knowing how to eat fish, armed with Dr Willer’s shopping basket analogy, we at least have a chance. “If you’re consuming salmon every day, you’re doing the wrong thing. If you’re consuming mussels every day, you’re doing fine,” he says.

“There are some fish you can eat sustainably every day and some you shouldn’t,” he says. Larger wild fish, such as monkfish, sea bream, hake and sole, he would place after farmed salmon in the shopping basket, but before tuna and cod.

“In reality, they are a wild fish species and regardless of what the rating is by the Good Fish Guide, there aren’t that many of them left.”

Do you like salmon? If so, what are your favourite salmon dishes? Join the conversation in the comments section below

