Diablo 4 is off to a strong start. With the Season of the Malignant only a few days away, players are already excited to see what the next chapter holds for the Sanctuary. Although the game does has fairly stable servers, some issues crop up every now and then. Thankfully, every error that players encounter in the game are denoted by error codes. Knowing which code represents which error helps in easier debugging and troubleshooting.
The Diablo 4 error code 300202 and 300008 seem to be two of the most common error codes and come with the message that “Request has timed out.” These bugs occurr when players create a character and then select the World Tier difficulty of Adventurer or Veteran and try to finally log into the RPG.
Fixing the Diablo 4 “Request has timed out” error code 300202 and 300008
After a brief period of buffering, players seem to get disconnected from the servers, and are put back into the character creation screen. This forces them to try to connect to the game over and over again.
What makes the errors frustrating to deal with is the fact that they have no permanent fixes. As Diablo 4 is still in early access beta, these performance issues do not come as much of a surprise.
However, today’s guide will go over a few workarounds which will try and deal with the “Request has timed out” error code 300202 and 300008 in Diablo 4.
As mentioned, there are no permanent solutions to the problem because the issue is occurring due to high traffic volumes on the Diablo 4 servers. Hence, the developers will need to come up with a solution for this. However, here are a few workarounds that you can try if you are facing the “Request has timed out” error code 300202 and 300008 in the game.
1) Log into the game at another time
This error can usually be seen when the servers of the game are facing high traffic volumes. This is one of the reasons why your request to log into the title seems to keep getting timed out no matter how many times you look to select a difficulty to make your way into the world.
Hence, it’s best to log in when the servers are not facing such high volumes in your region.
2) Restarting the game
Restarting the game seems to have worked for many in the community. Hence, closing the title on your platform, along with Battle.net on PC, can be something that fixes the issue for you.
3) Checking your internet connection
Your ISP might be the one causing problems as well if the Diablo 4 servers are working optimally. Hence, you may need to check your internet connection by going through a speed test or testing it for packet loss in any of the online websites.
You can try restarting your internet router as well, as it will clear some of the caches and change the gateway, which might just help you log into the game’s servers.
4) Disabling VPN
If you are using a VPN or proxy websites to log into the game, then it’s also very likely that the third-party software is what’s causing the problem for you. You will need to disable them, which might just fix the error code 300202 and 300008 in Diablo 4 early access.
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