Deandre Ayton salary and net worth

DeAndre Ayton was born to a Nigerian father and a Jamaican/Bahamian mother in Nassau, Bahamas, in 1998. Ayton was born in the Bahamas and grew up watching older kids play basketball after school. DeAndre, who was 12 at the time, joined a summer basketball program after playing in a church league against considerably older

DeAndre Ayton was born to a Nigerian father and a Jamaican/Bahamian mother in Nassau, Bahamas, in 1998. Ayton was born in the Bahamas and grew up watching older kids play basketball after school.

DeAndre, who was 12 at the time, joined a summer basketball program after playing in a church league against considerably older youngsters. The 6ft 5in lad was playing the tuba and enjoying soccer at the time. Regardless, the All Bahamian Brand, who was visiting Bahamas Academy High School, noticed him.

Everyone could see Ayton’s innate ability and promise when he moved to San Diego, California, to play high school basketball. DeAndre spent the remaining two years of his high school career at Hillcrest Prep in Phoenix, Arizona, where he had relocated with his mother. Deandre Ayton and Anissa Evans are dating but not married.

Deandre Ayton’s salary and net worth

Deandre Ayton, a professional basketball player from the Bahamas, has a net worth of $5 million.

