Brad Pitts post-apocalyptic vision involves man-scarves

Here are some new photos of Brad Pitt on the Malta set of World War Z, which I think hes going to be filming for most of the summer. I guess this is his style for the film too, because I think theyve already started production. I have to say Brad is looking really


Here are some new photos of Brad Pitt on the Malta set of World War Z, which I think he’s going to be filming for most of the summer. I guess this is his style for the film too, because I think they’ve already started production. I have to say – Brad is looking really good to me lately. I liked it when he was looking all mobbed-up in NOLA, but now that his mullet has grown out and he looks cleaner, he’s working a genuinely attractive vibe. Plus, the man just looks good in blue (that scarf should go, though).

Considering I never really thought World War Z would ever get off the ground, I’m playing catchup as to the plot. It’s some kind of post-apocalypse story where Brad plays… a diplomat?

Brad, along with partner Angelina Jolie and their brood, have relocated to Malta while he films his new post-apocalyptic horror movie.

He plays the lead role of role of Max Brooks, an agent of the United Nations Postwar Commission who published a report a decade after the Zombie War.

Brooks scours the world collecting the stories and experiences of those who have survived the conflict that almost eradicated humanity.

The film, directed by Marc Foster, also stars Mireille Enos and Matthew Fox.

[From The Mail]

You know the name “Mireille Enos” because she’s the redhead on The Killing. You know the name “Matthew Fox” because he’s a douche, and he was the least-liked lead character on Lost. I fear that working with Brad will only go to Matthew Fox’s head and he will become utterly insufferable.

But I guess that we should be grateful that after the apocalypse comes, there will still be A) Handsome Brad Pitt-esque diplomats and B) Man-scarves.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

